I can't believe it's been one year since I officially launched For Glory and Beauty Co. and then again, I can. So much has changed in my personal life and in the world at large!
Below are five things I have learned my first year in business: (psst: they really apply to most of life, not just getting a little side hustle off the ground).
1. Put in the hard work and be patient. New things take a lot of up-front effort without seeing the results right away. And isn’t that the truth with just about anything worth pursuing?! I had no idea how much work it would be to get this business going, nor how much effort it would be to continue creating and selling product one year later. I am learning new things all the time and it is a slow burn... but a worthwhile one! And fun! I also have a much greater appreciation for businesses of all kinds and what it takes to get one started, let alone humming along! This experience makes me want to support small businesses even more and has definitely changed my buying habits towards purchasing less things from box stores and more from mom and pop shops.
2. Adjust expectations as needed and keep moving forward - even if it’s slowly and imperfectly. I have made mistakes (ahem - like a market that virtually no one attended and I made one sale to a friend- ouch!), and I am going to make mistakes. It's okay - I’m human. But I need to learn from them and just keep going! I’m also a person that has other parts of life to attend to – a family, home responsibilities, and finite resources (time, energy, finances) etc. Slow and steady, with mistakes, while trying to balance other areas of life, is still more progress than none at all, and more sustainable than ignoring everything except "work".
3. Stay organized, follow a plan (even if it’s just loosely), and automate or group similar tasks. Knowing in general where I want to go and when helps me stay on task and get more things done, especially as a one man show without much accountability or input from others. The time it takes to plan and dream isn't wasted. Taking a look at tasks I complete often and figuring out when to do them together (sometimes called "batching") has helped too. For example: scheduling social media posts all at once, brainstorming blog and email content in one sitting, taking photos for a bunch of different uses all in one day, and restocking product in blocks of time rather than a little each day. It all adds up!
4. Ask for help or advice from other entrepreneurs (with respect for others’ time!) Other small business owners possess a wealth of information and most are willing to share insights, tools, tips/tricks, etc. if you reach out to them. I've benefitted so much from simply asking questions and listening and/or looking for answers online as well. Many people have freely shared blog posts, podcasts, freebies, and all sorts of information if you search for it online, so paying attention to email newsletters and media outlets that are in your area of expertise or niche can really pay off.
5. Foster genuine, real relationships and offer meaningful, thoughtful interactions. Interacting with people, products, and brands I resonate with (in person, on email, and on social media) are worthwhile investments in myself and the future of the company. It may not look like thousands of likes upfront, but it can lead to loyal customers, life-giving friendships and enthusiastic ambassadors for your brand over time, which will hopefully generate more sales in the end. This is a little more tricky in 2020 when retail has been particularly challenged and social interaction is more limited, but I think it makes true authenticity and the personal aspect stand out even more.
I hope these were interesting and helpful to you - many apply to a lot of areas of life, not just small businesses:) If you have any other tips/tricks you'd like to share about starting and/or running small businesses, I'd love to hear your insight! Email me at hello@forgloryandbeauty.com or send me a direct message on Instagram.
Still learning and growing,